A Sexual Wellness Place Where Black Women Feel…
seen. heard. healed. celebrated.


When you feel good,
you feel good 


Let’s be real here – when it comes to your sexual wellness, you have more questions than answers. 

And you’re not alone. two out of five women named the internet as their go-to resource for information and answers about their sexual health. 

But clearing your Google search results every night and relying on the group chat–, while helpful–, is not the care and nurturance you deserve. And as a Black woman, you deserve a lot–, especially when it comes to your sexual wellness. You’re faced with systemic racism, sexism, misogynoir and implicit bias that impacts how you experience wellness. And on top of that, there are few spaces for you to openly and safely share your story and receive support around your sexual health. You deserve this, sis.  We see the luxury and ease you readily welcome into your life and we want you to keep that same energy with your sexual wellness.

is your place to ease into curiosities and begin your sexual wellness journey with a community of intentional support and affirmation so you feel good.


I'm ready to feel good.

I'm ready to feel good.

Sexual wellness is more than just sexual health

You’ve been working on your self-care game for years, and it’s paying off. But while you’ve been moisturizing and meditating, you forgot to focus on one of the most important parts of feeling good – sexual wellness.


And we’re not just talking about sex and masturbation (even though we do talk about that), we’re talking about:

  • Your understanding of your body

  • Your right to affirming and safe healthcare 

  • Your intimate and sexual life 

  • Your pleasure and desires

  • Your healing from sexual trauma 

  • Your relationships, communication, and boundaries

And a million other things you never thought to associate with sexual wellness. Because sexual wellness is about so much more than what’s going on between your legs. It’s also about what’s going on in your heart, in your mind, in your world. And we’re moving through all of that, together.


Put a finger down if…

  • You dread going to the doctor because you don’t know what questions to ask 

  • You’re tired of falling into the same relationship cycles over and over

  • You feel uncomfortable asking your partner for what you want in bed

  • You didn’t grow up having conversations about sex and now you’re grown and still have questions

  • You go to the internet for answers about your sexual health concerns before consulting with your doctor

  • You agree with Fannie Lou Hammer, you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired

If this sounds like what you’re going through, you might want to click the link below! 




Okay, bet. What would it look like if you: 

  • Took daily actions to enhance your sexual wellness? 

  • Tended to the wound from your past relationships?

  • Ask for what you want or simply gift it to yourself?

  • Asked your doctors that question that's been on your mind? 

  • Released shame and let yourself feel or experience pleasure and joy? 

  • Confidently make informed decisions about your sexual desires and health?

  • Set boundaries within your relationships that others respect and follow?

Your Sexual Wellness Home

We see you, sis– you’re moving through uncertainty, heartbreak, shame, and fear when it comes to your health and relationships. The system failed you.


Education and healthcare didn’t prepare or support you in the ways that you needed. And maybe you weren’t allowed to bring this up or bring this home. And despite having your shit (mostly!) together, you’re still a grown-ass woman that still has a lot of curiosities about sexual wellness. We’re done being left in the dark. You deserve good health, good sex, good relationships, good EVERYTHING. And we’ve created a space where you’re prepared to make informed and unapologetic decisions about your body, identity, relationships, and sexual health – all while being seen, heard, and celebrated. 

Sugar is the digital sexual wellness home for Black women providing content, community, and expert care where Black women feel seen, heard, and celebrated

About Kimberly Huggins, LSW, MPH, MEd

my story

I’m a licensed social worker and sexuality educator with over a decade of experience supporting women’s healing and (un)learning from the classroom, exam room, and therapy space. 

My reason

After the dust settled on a toxic relationship, and I cried my last tear, I had to ask myself some really hard questions and make some really big decisions. Who was I in that relationship and what was I telling myself about my worth in it? At which point did I put myself last and them first? What do I want to experience and how do I want to feel in my next relationship? I hated the feeling of deep diving through these pain points alone and want to make sure you don’t have to either.

About Brittany Brathwaite, MSW, MPH

my story

I am a reproductive justice activist, youth worker, and community accountable scholar with a deep commitment to supporting the leadership, organizing, and healing of Black girls. 

My reason

It was getting an HPV diagnosis in college and watching the nurse practitioner shrug her shoulders. And despite how common HPV is I was still filled with shame, did not understand how to communicate that with my new partner, and a stale pamphlet entitled “HPV & you” - I deserved support, care — better. 

We created this because we experienced this. 

We are the founders of Kimbritive, the unapologetic sexual wellness platform reimagining the health and wellbeing of Black women and girls. We’re best friends who started Kimbritive as a love letter to ourselves, our homegirls, and every Black woman who had to figure it out by themselves but didn’t want to because they shouldn’t have to. 

We both have different personal and professional experiences that led us to this mission – each clarifying our desire to build sexual wellness resources that speak to Black women. As time went on, it became more and more clear that Black women need more than just information— we need a space of our own to process this all together. 

We deserve a space to help us get through hard things – and a soft place to land. 

as seen in


welcome to

a new possibility for your Wellness and Healing.

Just because you’re “grown” now doesn’t mean that you automatically know all that you should know when it comes to sex, your body, and relationships or that you have fully unpacked fear and shame from your childhood.

You don’t have to do this alone. We will help fill in the gaps so that you can navigate your relationship with your body, self, and others with clarity, confidence, and ease.    

Here’s how we’ll do that: 

  • Journeying through a self-paced sexual wellness curriculum 

  • Learning through community workshops 

  • Exhaling and processing in intimate g office hours 

  • Connecting with an interactive community 

An investment in your sexual wellness      An investment in your sexual wellness      An investment in your sexual wellness      An investment in your sexual wellness      An investment in your sexual wellness      An investment in your sexual wellness      An investment in your sexual wellness      An investment in your sexual wellness     


You Deserve This.

Navigate your relationship with your body and others with clarity and confidence so you can live your best life

Every year
Every month
  • Journey

    Our intentionally developed curriculum takes you on the journey of learning, reflecting, and caring for every part of you. You get to choose what will empower your own unique journey and deepen your connection with yourself. 

    Access to culturally aligned, holistic, and curated resources to support your learning, reflecting, healing, at your pace. 

  • Community

    You don’t have to do this alone. Connect with Black wellness practitioners and other Black women just like you who are ready to welcome, support, and celebrate you.

    An intimate digital community of other Black women & femmes just like you to talk about things you previously thought were TMI

  • Care

    For us by us. We work with Black wellness practitioners so that the care you receive care that keeps you and your lived experiences in mind, always. 

    Receive intentional care and support from wellness practitioners and educators around experiences you’ve previously had to navigate alone

  • Connection

    From the comfort of your home, attend thoughtfully curated workshops and events that support you in living an informed sexually healthy life while centering your needs, pleasure, and joy. 

  • Celebration

    Starting and enduring a journey is hard work, but it feels so much better when you are encouraged and celebrated along the way. 


You’ll Journey Through…

  • Explore your values around sexuality 

  • Releasing shameful and harmful beliefs that hold you back  

  • Deepen your relationship with yourself

  • fill in the gaps from your high school sex education

  • explore and unpack your sexual boundaries


Start your
sexual wellness


When you become a member of sugar, you’ll get a special welcome email from us telling you how to get started and acclimated with your new sexual wellness home.  If you purchased an annual membership at $300, we’ll send you a welcome kit in the mail with goodies to support you along your journey. 

Don’t get caught with a case of FOMO! 

Membership to sugar opens on a quarterly basis with a 30-day enrollment period. 

If you miss out on joining during this launch, join our waitlist to be the first to know when we’ll reopen our digital doors. 

guest mentors

You deserve this 

“Black women were created of brown sugar and warm honey. the sweetest thing to bless the earth. be wary of anyone who tells you otherwise.” -alex elle

Every year
Every month


  • It takes 21 days to build a habit, it takes 90 days for it to become a part of your lifestyle. We want your sexual wellness to be integral to your life.

  • Sugar is completely self-guided so you can go at your own pace on your own time. As a platform, we offer exhale, a monthly check-in and coaching space, for members moving through the program. 

  • You can go at whatever pace works for you! You spend [X] hours a week engaging with the content in your selected journey and connecting with others in our intimate community. 

  • This is a space for anyone, no matter where you are on your sexual wellness journey.

  • Members have access to a resource directory of wellness practitioners that can support them further along their wellness journey. 

  • We love that you honor the spaces created for Black women to feel safe and supported. Please consider purchasing an experience for a friend, or, contributing funds to support our work, here.

  • Yes, for folks who are 18+ and over. 

  • Unfortunately, not at this time. Our curriculum is tailored to adults 18+. Sexuality education should be taught in an age-appropriate and developmentally-appropriate manner, and sugar is currently designed for adult women.

  • No.